2020년 4월 27일 월요일

Computer Repair & Maintenance Laptop Samsung Notebook 9 LITE NT910S3P-K58S Format Windows 10 Installation Review

Let's talk about the late format of your Samsung Notebook 9 LITE NT910S3P-K58S.

Good morning. This is the formative "male fox".

On Sunday, yesterday's lunch, I pushed your laptop.
I was using Windows 8.1, and it was slowed down a lot, so I made a backup in advance,
We have requested to install Windows 10 from a friend of the Chinjung Com formatter, a business partner in the field of computer repair in Sanpo, Gunpo.

We can travel on business trips late in the evening and on weekends and holidays.
Maybe it's a service AS engineer's leisure time to call after work, or it will be a holiday,
We can faithfully meet the needs of such employees.

This is the front housing (FH) of the Samsung Notebook 9 LITE NT910S3P-K58S.
It is about 13 inches, so there is no separate number pad on the right.
If you look closely, you may be able to fold over the pads, but by giving the gap between keys,
You can expect a comfortable typing feeling with the opposite pay after giving up the number pad. 

This is the BIOS UEFI firmware setting screen.
The CPU (processor) is the Intel 5th Gen Broadwell i5-5200u (2 core 4 thread 2.2ghz).
Memory is 8G, storage is M2.sata 128GB. 

Samsung Notebook 9 LITE NT910S3P-K58S is a lower housing (bottom) and rear housing (RH). 

The Samsung notebook boot device selection key is F10.
Sergei Strelec Win10 PE Select booting from the created USB memory.
This is a PE temporary operating system that can be booted in UEFI.
Therefore, it is very important and valuable when you want to PE boot LG related laptops (Gram or Ultra PC) or Apple Mac related products with this medium. 

There are only two USB ports on the left and right sides of the laptop.
Considering the model year, there may be a C-type port. There is only one HDMI port.
I think it would be better to use a Bluetooth mouse. Still, it is safe to use two USB ports if they are saved in an empty state. 

After the temporary boot of Sergei Strelec PE, the first thing I see is Hd-tune.
This is because you have to check and check if the storage condition is intact.
You can check it in the health category and it is in good condition. In the Korean version, it comes out in good health. 

Hold the GPT / UEFI partition form with DiskpartGUImicro, which is the Windows 10 installation method, which is a formative master's format.
Format Windows 10 with WinNTsetup. 

Installation of Windows 10 went well. UEFI / quick boot setup.
Still, since it is based on the 5th generation Broadwell, the click experience seems to be okay.
In other words, if it is set well, it will never be slow or cumbersome.

You need to grab the Wifi driver.
When considering the year-end, I expected that I was caught for some reason, but the laptops are the same.
There are some missing items. After grabbing the WIFI driver, everything will be solved. 

SDI will clean up the missing device drivers.
I was a little regrettable. Because I should have ended up grabbing only the network driver, WIFI, with SDI.
This is because most installations are too slow.
I waited until it was inevitable that I started in the past, but I think I will have to reconsider using SDI a bit later. 

Leave the touchpad as inoperative when using an external USB pointing device.
Perhaps the same applies to Bluetooth mice. 

The device driver installation is all organized. Also, check that all the updates are installed and up to date.
The installed version of Windows 10 is a version reflecting the latest feature update based on 1909 (19H2). 

Let's open the main page of our friendly home cafe (Friendly and Honest Computer Repair Business Travel AS Article Meeting Cafe).
This comes up by clicking on "Online Support".
If the internet is in good working condition, you can check it by opening our cafe's main page.
And all service missions for you have been completed.

It's a very obvious story, but even document-related applications have already been installed.
We have confirmed whether there are various types of driving that you may need.
Of course, it seems obvious that it is more optimized than before, and the performance of that ultrabook you use yourself can bring you a decent feeling of use.

As a sincerely committed computer repair business traveler,
We will spare no effort to become a valuable human resource in the community.
Thank you.

친정컴 출장컴수리AS포맷달인기사) 군포 산본 컴퓨터수리 삼성노트북9 LITE NT910S3P-K58S 포멧 윈도우10설치 후기

친정컴 출장컴수리AS포맷달인기사) 군포 산본 컴퓨터수리 삼성노트북9 LITE NT910S3P-K58S 포멧 윈도우10설치 후기

Computer Repair & Maintenance Laptop Samsung Notebook 9 LITE NT910S3P-K58S Format Windows 10 Installation Review


친정컴 출장 컴퓨터수리 출장범위 : 경기 인천 서울 수도권 대부분지역

친절하고 정직한 친정컴 출장 컴퓨터 PC 수리 AS 서비스 업체 포맷(포멧)달인 기사


일산친정컴 프로필페이지

(친정컴)정직하고 친절한 출장 컴퓨터수리 기사 모임 카페

담당 기사 블로그

수리기사 후기 및 정비사례 블로그

친절하고 정직한 컴퓨터수리 출장AS기사 모임!
친정컴 "수컷여우"입니다.
"포맷달인"이라는 자타공인 별칭까지 있는 저희는 군포 산본 인근 경기,서울,인천 수도권 전지역 출장 가능한 컴터수리 기사들로 구성되어 있습니다.

친정컴 컴수리 AS기사의 업무영역, 출장범위에 대한 내용을 아실 수 있겠습니다.

 군포 산본 컴퓨터수리 출장AS업체 친정컴 포맷달인기사 전화번호 연결
클릭 및 터치하시면 군포 산본 컴퓨터수리 출장AS업체 친정컴 포맷달인기사에게 전화번호 연결됩니다. 

군포,안양,의왕 경기,서울,인천 수도권 출장 컴퓨터수리 AS업체 친정컴 포맷달인 기사 프로필(명함)페이지 연결
클릭 및 터치하시면 수도권 대부분 지역 출장 가능한 AS업체 친정컴 포멧달인 기사의 프로필(명함)페이지로 연결됩니다.

고객님의 삼성노트북9 LITE NT910S3P-K58S에 대한 셋팅 후기 내용입니다.
이 제품을 초기화 밀고 윈도우10 재설치하는 것입니다. 즉 쉽게 말해 포맷하는겁니다.

바이오스(Bios) UEFI펌웨어(Firmware)설정화면입니다.
이곳에서 포멧 전 필요한 설정 체크합니다.

 삼성노트북 NT910S3P-K58S의 밑판(하판) RH(리어하우징 rear housing)입니다.
요근래 울트라북들이 그렇지만 나사풀고 RH판을 다 드러내야 자가 정비 및 램교체 시도를 할 수 있을듯 합니다.

삼성노트북PC 부팅장치 선택키는 F10입니다. 

USB포트는 2개있고, HDMI포트, 멀티메모리슬롯 이렇게 있습니다.
5년전즘의 울트라북이라 어쩔수가 없지만, 그래도 USB포트 2개는 조금 섭섭할정도로 적은 갯수가 아닐 수 없겠습니다. 

HD-tune을 통해서 저장장치 128gb SSd상태이상없음을 체크합니다.

DiskpartGUImicro를 통해 GPT/UEFI 파티션 포멧정의하고,
WinNtsetup을 실행하여 포맷 윈도우10설치 진행합니다.  

윈도우10설치는 UEFI/빠른부팅 설정방식으로 성공적

장치관리자상의 누락된 장치 드라이버 항목들이 있습니다.
특히나 WIFI무선랜드라이버가 누락이라 다른 드라이버 설치 유틸의 권능을 믿어봐야겠습니다. 

Edge를 삭제합니다.
노트북의 CPU(프로세서)는 인텔5세대 브로드웰 i5-5200U(2코어4스래드 2.2ghz)가 들어가 있습니다. SDI드라이버팩 돌리고 있는 와중인지라 CPU점유율이 좀 높습니다.

SDI드라이버팩으로 드라이버 설치문제 해결할것이지만, 몹시 느립니다.

터치패드 외장형 USB 포인팅 장치 장착 시 작동 안함을 체크합니다.
쉽게말해 노트북에 연결된 마우스가 있을시 터치패드를 비활성화시킨다는 겁니다. 

장치드라이버 설치문제 다 해결하였습니다.
설치된 윈도우10버전은 1909(19H2)입니다. 업데이트도 다 설치되었습니다. 

저희 친정컴 카페 한번 들어가 봅니다.
이로써 인터넷 되는것까지 다 확인하고, 고객님을 위한 응용프로그램 설치된것 및 구동확인 다 되었습니다. 그리고 고객님을 위한 서비스 임무는 완료됩니다. 

 친절하고 정직한 경기 서울 인천 수도권 출장 컴퓨터수리 AS기사 모임 카페연결
클릭 및 터치하시면 저희 절하고 직한 터수리AS출장기사 모임 카페로 연결됩니다.

항상 최선을 다하는 포맷달인 컴수리달인이 될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.
정직 친절은 언제나 중요한 좌우명 철칙입니다.

친정컴 친절컴퓨터수리 정직컴퓨터수리 컴퓨터수리 PC수리 컴퓨터AS 포맷 포멧 프리도스 포맷달인 포멧달인 명품포맷 명품포멧 프리도스포맷 프리도스포멧 노트북수리 노트북포맷 노트북포멧 맥OS초기화 맥OS포맷 맥OS모하비설치 맥OS클린설치 부트캠프윈도우설치 컴퓨터포맷 컴퓨터포멧 PC포맷 PC포멧 군포컴퓨터 군포PC수리 군포컴퓨터수리 군포컴퓨터AS 군포포맷 군포포멧 군포윈도우설치 군포중고컴퓨터 군포중고PC 군포중고컴퓨터판매 군포중고PC판매 군포데이터복구 군포USB복구 군포자료복구 지워진자료복구 지워진데이터복구 삭제된데이터복구 기업체유지보수 PC유지보수 네트워크유지보수 군포유지보수 군포맥OS설치 군포부트캠프윈도우설치 군포맥OS모하비설치 군포맥OS초기화 산본컴퓨터 산본PC수리 산본컴퓨터수리 산본컴퓨터AS 산본포맷 산본포멧 산본윈도우설치 산본중고컴퓨터 산본중고PC 산본중고컴퓨터판매 산본중고PC판매 산본데이터복구 산본USB복구 산본자료복구 산본유지보수 산본맥OS설치 산본부트캠프윈도우설치 산본맥OS모하비설치 산본맥OS초기화 군포시컴퓨터 군포시PC수리 군포시컴퓨터수리 군포시컴퓨터AS 군포시포맷 군포시포멧 군포시윈도우설치 군포시중고컴퓨터 군포시중고PC 군포시중고컴퓨터판매 군포시중고PC판매 군포시데이터복구 군포시USB복구 군포시자료복구 군포시유지보수 군포시맥OS설치 군포시부트캠프윈도우설치 군포시맥OS모하비설치 군포시맥OS초기화 산본동컴퓨터 산본동PC수리 산본동컴퓨터수리 산본동컴퓨터AS 산본동포맷 산본동포멧 산본동윈도우설치 산본동중고컴퓨터 산본동중고PC 산본동중고컴퓨터판매 산본동중고PC판매 산본동데이터복구 산본동USB복구 산본동자료복구 산본동유지보수 산본동맥OS설치 산본동부트캠프윈도우설치 산본동맥OS모하비설치 산본동맥OS초기화 금정컴퓨터 금정PC수리 금정컴퓨터수리 금정컴퓨터AS 금정포맷 금정포멧 금정윈도우설치 금정중고컴퓨터 금정중고PC 금정중고컴퓨터판매 금정중고PC판매 금정데이터복구 금정USB복구 금정자료복구 금정유지보수 금정맥OS설치 금정부트캠프윈도우설치 금정맥OS모하비설치 금정맥OS초기화 HP노트북프리도스 HP노트북포맷 HP노트북윈도우10설치 프리도스윈도우10설치 프리도스포맷 LG그램포맷 LG그램프리도스 LG그램윈도우10설치 LG그램프리도스포맷 LG그램프리도스윈도우10설치

2020년 4월 26일 일요일

Computer Repair & Maintenance AMD Ryzen 9 3900X Assembly PC Freedos Format Windows 10 Installation Review

Good morning. This is the article "male fox", a formative article for the pro-community cafe.
The meaning of Chinjungcom is an abbreviation for the "Friendly and honest computer repair business trip AS engineer meeting" cafe.

I am also a position of Comduk before the article of Commuter Repair.
Romance for high-end PCs in its own way, interesting how exciting new fun games are!
It would be a lie to say nothing at all.

After meeting a small number of customers on business trips, and after completing the requested mission,
There may not be a few cases that don't fit me, but most of them have a reaction and prognosis after completion.
The number of customers who have a surprisingly good awareness of me is also increasing,
Some people have become very friendly, so there are a few cases in which you ask what kind of assembly PC you want to fit.

It may be something like "fan sims" if you say it with a little exaggeration,
If you're a little bit greedy, if you're a little greedy, you're surely overlooking it.
Not so for those who are close.
Of course, many customers are checking the unit price and online shopping malls these days, so if you present excessive costs, you will create a misunderstanding that will be treated as a strange person.

So, a customer who was familiar with the online assembly PC purchase site asked me to select a part. 

As a self-employed person in the interior area, it was probably important that the drawing-related applications run smoothly.
Also, because I am a young man, who is the same age as me (?), Since a universal young man and an online game (?) Are only a minor relationship, I had to consider the aspects of the game running well.
The part that he wanted was to think that it is important to have a combination that considers stability while focusing on stability while converging to the highest level that is almost high-end.

So the specs that were considered suitable were pushed to the Ryzen 9 3900X Matisse.
There may be a flagship called 3950X, but since a water cooler or an air-cooled end plate king will be a must,
I thought the 3900X would be suitable in terms of stability,
DDR4 32G memory, graphics device (VGA card) has been adopted as the GTX1660 super.
Of course, it would be better to choose RTX2070 or higher, but considering the initial failure frequency of RTX or stability in the future,
The processor (CPU) is used as a cool object that converges to the highest level, and the graphic device is considered not bad even if it is considered later, and the customer has come to convince this part.

In addition, the storage device considers the price / capacity ratio to be cost-effective.
WD blue 1TB is suitable for SSD, and WD blue 4TB is suitable for general hard disk (HDD).
The power supply (power supply) was selected as a free warranty 5-year Sky Digital rated 600W product, and the case was decided based on the Cox Middle Tower standard A3 Elysium full acrylic Halo that shines on the front, though it is just plain.

Considering the purchasing capacity that customers can understand,
Somehow, I was a little empathic that I would have chosen like this,
We helped you choose your shopping cart like this, and in the end, your choice and decision was yours.
The products were delivered late yesterday afternoon, and we arrived at the finish setting for lunch today.
Because of such matters, most of the assembled PCs are in the form of FreeDOS products, so whether you are setting the operating system or checking to make sure that it works well, you may have needed the role of an article in the form of a computer-friendly travel agency, a computer repair business company in Gigi-dong, Gimpo-si.
I'll be telling the story later. 

Middle Tower Case Cox A3 Elysium Full Acrylic Halo that forms the backbone of your PC.
It's good that the front LED fan shines on the front part, and even the color of the internal race prism CPU cooler is in a whisper.
Since I have a lot of impressions on the low-end case Cox RC170T, my opinion on the RC170T shows practicality that it can be assembled safely even with almost high-end parts. Because there was no expectation. Strictly speaking, if you fall into the flaws of this case, it seems that up to one of each seems to be the limit when trying to install an HDD other than SSD. Except for that, it can be said to be a very good and cost-effective mid-range case.
It seems that it feels a bit similar to the LED fan with the product from the Daeyang case. 

The main board is MSI B450M Pro-VDH Max (MS-7A38).
Since we are using the 3rd generation Ryzen 9 3900X, we cannot decide on the A320M entry-level motherboard.
It's not a bad thing, but in the Matisse-class Ryzen, a B450 or higher would be a stable option.
It would be better to use the X570 class, but the X570 is more expensive than the B450 class.
The CPU (processor) is, of course, not a flagship, but a Ryzen 9 3900X (12 core 24 thread 3.8ghz) that can be said to converge to the highest level.
The memory (Ram) is DDR4 32G, and the graphics device (VGA card) is GTX1660 Super.

It is not enough to say that the passmark indicator is absolute, but it is a valid reference for measuring the relative comparative value. The performance of the Rygen9 3900X is almost surpassing that of the Intel 9th generation i9.
Of course, comparing the 12-core 24-thread with the 8-core 16-thread may be a leap in itself,
It is also impressive that the 3700x is a higher indicator.
Compared to other high-ends, it seems that there is no product higher than the Flagship 3950X on the current list.
Of course, if you mobilize all server-class CPUs, the contents may be different. :)

The MSI mainboard boot device selection key is F11.
SSDs and HDDs are not listed in the boot device selection list as they are in the state of Pridos. 

Check through Hd-tune to make sure that the storage devices (SSD and HDD) are not defective in the initial stage.
It's a very natural story, but if more than the warning indicators pop up here, I would have left and guided the AS procedure to the customer. 

Run DiskpartGUImicro to format 1TB SSD to GPT / UEFI partition format.
It's not a regular hard disk, but it's 1TB of SSD, so it's a little bit dubious.
As of now, 1TB of SSD is definitely the most efficient price / capacity position.
Nevertheless, since the sentiment that the price point is not green is universal, there are more cases of purchasing 240G (250 or 256) or 500G (480 or 512).
For hard disks, 4TB has the best price / capacity ratio. I also shouted 4TB because the data was full. 

If you look at the graph of the job manager's CPU usage, there are 24 graphs of 12 cores and 24 threads.
The summit ridge 1700 of my 8-core 16-thread feels shabby.  

Run WinNTsetup and proceed to the Windows 10 installation format effectively for the UEFI / Quick Boot setup method.
WinNTsetup takes 3 minutes and 14 seconds and is excellent. 

Installation of Windows 10 went well.
Although the specifications converge to the best, it is by no means significantly faster than the installation time.
Still, the whole process was light enough to not feel bored. 

Running in the background of the update, I opened the browser and looked at it, and the 12-core 24-thread also didn't even get a message.
Even if there are several heavy applications, it seems to run quite smoothly and lightly.
It looks like you're going to spin it like an autocad and a sketch-up ray, but this is only enough for you to relax. 

Install and connect the multifunction device (inkjet printer) you are using.
This product feels rather unpretentious compared to the assembled PC that is in the glorious highest class.
Still, whether you printed steadily or not, the printer was in good condition. 

Make sure the internet is good.
Open the most important Korean portal site with Internet Explorer,
Open a search box with Google Chrome.
The browser is heavy, so I use this and that, and there seems to be nothing to worry about.
We look forward to seeing how soon the new version of Windows 10's feature update, 20H1 (2004), will be released soon. 

Check that the device driver is installed and applied through the device manager.
And, of course, the Windows update is all up to date.
Please tell us about the application program you are using before shipping the assembled PC.
Because the original installation (wim file) has been modified as customized to reduce the time during the installation agency process,
Everything that customers might need was confirmed in advance. 

Then click "Online Support" to open the main page of our homecoming cafe,
The service mission for you is completed.

I checked on the Internet in advance, but I'm still interested in it, so it can never be erased.
It's about new AMD Ryzen processor products, and it's a situation where you can think about and imagine when it's time to know enough to know how to fit and how much it will cost even if you pay a high price.
Still, whether or not this combination setting is good or bad will continue to be answered by customers.

It seems to be fast, and the SSD capacity is too generous, so besides that you are satisfied,
Since the posting time and the completion of the service mission were only 5-6 hours,
It's hard to say for sure, but I still think the prognosis is very good.

These days, new products, especially processors and graphics devices,
As there is little difference between prognostic simulation through the result and the benchmarking value,
If you do not suffer from the initial failure, we are convinced that you will have a very comfortable PC usage life.

If I were to be more envious, I would have said everything.

Still, we will send you a list that matches your trust and decide without doubt or disagreement.
I am very grateful to you for leaving my settings to the end.

If you want, you can purchase the product at your discretion in advance and ask us for an on-site assembly agent.
Or, it may be possible to set the shopping cart only.

The most important thing is whether it's worth the trust you're entrusting us with and requesting.
We just try and tell the facts transparently,
If you leave it to us, there is nothing else except to be faithful. 

Always do not neglect the best effort
We will be reborn as a new brain color knight to avoid being obsessed with old legs.
Thanks for reading.